Police powers and duties

Case Studies

Case Studies

Here are some examples of police ethics complaints related to the writing of a wrongful accident report as well as the way in which we dealt with them.


Case #1 

Mr X was the victim of a traffic accident. He alleges that the police officer and the highway controller did not ask him for his version of events and adds that the accident report is false.

Result: Complaint rejected

Police officers have extensive autonomy over the procedures that allow them to form an idea of the causes of a traffic accident and the opinions they are called upon to formulate as a result. It should be noted that the accident report consists solely of the police officer's observations and that the power to estimate liability in the event of an accident belongs to the insurance companies after having carried out the usual checks.


Case #2

After an interception during which he received a ticket, the complainant had to move his vehicle to allow the passage of a bus. In his maneuver, he collided with a stationary vehicle. No damage was caused to the immobilized vehicle, according to the insurer's report, which establishes the complainant's liability at 0%. Despite everything, the police officer would have noted in his report that the bumper of the immobilized vehicle is damaged.

Result: Complaint referred to conciliation

The complainant alleges that the police officer produced a false report. A conciliation may help to understand why the insurer did not notice any damage when the police officer noticed the opposite.



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