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Loi 25 - protection des renseignements personnels

Pour la réalisation de sa mission, le Commissaire à la déontologie policière collecte des renseignements personnels ou confidentiels indispensables au traitement d’un dossier et à l’application des lois qui le gouvernent. Avec l'entrée en vigueur de certaines dispositions de la Loi modernisant des dispositions législatives en matière de protection des renseignements personnels, aussi appelée Loi 25, les règles protégeant les renseignements personnels au Québec sont modernisées afin qu'elles soient mieux adaptées aux nouveaux défis posés par l'environnement numérique et technologique actuel.

Rappelons que les modifications apportées par la Loi 25 sont entrées progressivement en vigueur sur une période de trois ans, jusqu'en 2024.

Pour en apprendre davantage sur la façon dont cette loi s’applique au Commissaire, suivez ces liens :

Training on indigenous history and realities in Quebec

On November 23 and 30, the Indigenous liaison officers of the Police Ethics Commissioner offered training to more than a hundred employees of the Judicial Sciences and Legal Medicine Laboratory on Indigenous history and realities in Quebec. This training allowed Laboratory employees to deepen their knowledge about significant historical events, myths, cultural aspects as well as current issues affecting Indigenous Nations.

This training also aims to improve the quality of services offered to the indigenous people of Quebec. It is also hoped that this teaching will promote the development of critical reflection regarding the need to make modifications to different organizational practices likely to respond more adequately to the needs of Indigenous users.

Training state employees on Indigenous issues represents one of the common recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission as well as the Commission of Inquiry into Relations between Indigenous Peoples and Certain Public Services in Quebec.


The 2023-2028 sustainable development action plan

In line with the Government Sustainable Development Strategy 2023-2028,
the Police Ethics Commissioner adopted his 2023-2028 action plan.
The Commissioner thus expresses his desire to integrate the principles of
sustainable development into his activities and to continually
evaluate their impacts on the environment and society in general.

Bill 14 - Changes in the police ethics process

Bill 14 - Act to amend various provisions relating to public security and to enact the Act to assist in locating missing persons came into effect on October 5, 2023, on the day it was assented to. As a result, certain provisions affecting the police ethics process are now in effect, while others will be in force from October 5, 2024.

Get more details here.

Annual management report 2022-2023 publication

Transparency plays an essential role in establishing and maintaining trust.This is why the Commissaire à la déontologie policière is proud to present his 2022-2023 annual management report reporting (in French) on all the activities carried out in terms of complaint processing and prevention. You can also read (in English) the highlights of this report by following this link or read (in English) the excerpts from annual report relating to First Nations Inuit communities.

A reference tool concerning First Nations and Inuit public safety organizations in Quebec is now available

Cet outil de référence en sécurité publique autochtone au Québec est destiné à parfaire les connaissances de la population et à faciliter les communications avec les membres des Premières nations et Inuit du Québec. Il est le fruit d'un partenariat entre le Commissaire à la déontologie policière et l'Association des Directeurs de Police des Premières Nations et Inuit du Québec (ADDPNIQ). Bien que l'outil porte principalement sur des aspects de sécurité publique, il présente également des informations utiles pour quiconque collabore de près ou de loin avec des membres de Premières Nations et Inuit.

Nouvelle offre de formation sur le profilage racial et social pour les agents de la paix du Québec

Le ministre de la Sécurité publique, M. François Bonnardel, a fait l'annonce d'une nouvelle offre de formation sur le profilage racial et social offerte aux policiers et policières du Québec. Celle-ci est issue d'un partenariat avec le ministère de la Sécurité publique, la Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse, l'École nationale de police du Québec et notre organisme.

Consulter le communiqué de presse émis par le ministère de la Sécurité publique


Participation of the Commissioner in the special consultations and public hearings on Bill 14, An Act to amend various provisions relating to public safety and to enact the Act to assist in locating missing persons

On April 5, the Police Ethics Commissioner was invited to a public consultation in the context of the tabling of Bill 14 - An Act to amend various provisions relating to public security and to enact the Act to assist in locating missing persons - in order to comment on the provisions that more specifically concern police ethics.

Both in her opening address and in the brief submitted to the Commission des institutions, the Commissioner reiterated the importance of developing and deploying a preventive approach to ethical breaches while insisting on the need to increase accessibility to the ethics recourse and to offer personalized support to their more vulnerable clientele.

She also emphasized that additional resources would be a prerequisite for the implementation of the proposed new measures if they were adopted at the end of the parliamentary proceedings.

In conclusion, the Commissioner thanked her team for the colossal work done during the pandemic and their stakeholders for their contribution to the improvement of the police ethics process.

View the vidéo (In French) 

Read the opening statement (In French)

Read the Commissaire à la déontologie policière's brief (In French)



Publication > 2021-2022 Annual Management Report

The 2021-2022 Annual management report of the Commissaire à la déontologie policière (In French only) was tabled in the National Assembly on December 9.

It presents, among other things, the results of the organization in terms of human, financial and informational resources used as well as those related to the processing of complaints in matters of police ethics and the declaration of services to citizens.


Article > Inspiration (In French only)

Please see this introductory article (French only) in the INSPIRATION series for managers and supervisors of personnel subject to the Quebec Police Code of Ethics.


Need help?

If you want more information or if you need help drafting your complaint, you can contact us.

Commissaire à la déontologie policière

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