File a complaint

Communication with the parties involved

Communication with the parties involved

During conciliation, the parties involved in the process can expect to take the following steps : 


The complainant

  • First contact with the conciliator and notice of meeting. The conciliator will contact the complainant to explain what to expect and what is expected of them. The conciliator will ask them if they are available in order to find a suitable time for the meeting. Subsequently, the complainant will receive a notice of meeting which will confirm the location, date and time of the meeting.
  • Conciliation meeting. During the meeting facilitated by the conciliator, the complainant will have the opportunity to express themselves on the reasons for which they filed a complaint, their perceptions of what happened and the impact of the conduct of the person concerned by the complaint on them. The complainant will also have the opportunity to listen to the perspective of the person concerned by the complaint in order to possibly better understand why they acted the way they did.
  • Goal: A satisfactory resolution of the complaint for both parties. The goal is to conclude the meeting with a written and signed agreement that could satisfy the complainant as well as the people named in their complaint. Following the meeting, each party will obtain a copy of this written agreement.
  • In case of failure of conciliation. If the complainant did not show up for the meeting or if the meeting did not lead to an agreement, the Commissioner will examine a report from the conciliator and decide whether the complaint should be rejected or if an investigation should be ordered. The complainant will receive a correspondence informing them of the decision.
  • Request for review possible. If the complaint is rejected and the complainant does not agree with the reasons provided, it is possible for them to request a review by presenting new facts or elements. The request must be made within 15 days of receipt of the closure decision.


The Director of the person concerned bye the complaint

  • Receipt of a notice after the conciliation meeting. The director of the person who is concerned by the complaint is notified when the Commissioner makes a decision following the conciliation meeting. However, due to the confidential nature of the process, the director is only informed of the outcome and is not given any information about the content of the meeting. Thus, if the session leads to a settlement, the director is informed that the file will be closed. If this is not the case, the Commissioner informs them of their decision to close the file or to order an investigation.


Any person concerned by the complaint

  • Initial contact with the conciliator and notice of meeting. The person who is the subject of the complaint is contacted by the conciliator, who explains the conciliation process. The person concerned by the complaint then receives notice of the date, time and place of the meeting.
  • Conciliation Meeting. At the meeting, facilitated by the conciliator, the person who is the subject of the complaint has the opportunity to listen to the complainant explain why they filed the complaint, their perception of the event and the impact the conduct of the person who is the subject of the complaint has had on them. They also have the opportunity to explain why they acted as they did during the event, and to provide information to the complainant about their powers and duties as a peace officer. 
  • Goal: A mutually satisfactory resolution to the complaint for both parties. The goal is to conclude the meeting with a written agreement that satisfies both the subject of the complaint and the complainant. Following the meeting, each party receives a copy of the written agreement. When an agreement is reached, the complaint is deemed to have been withdrawn and no mention of it appears in the personal file of the person concerned by the complaint.
  • If the conciliation fails. If the complainant does not attend the meeting, or if the meeting does not lead to an agreement, the Commissioner must review the conciliator's report and decide whether the file should be closed or whether an investigation should be launched. The person against whom the complaint has been lodged will then receive a letter informing them of this decision.



<< 2. Conciliation     3. Investigation >>



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