The Commissaire à la déontologie policière (Police Ethics Commissioner) and most public organizations are required to distribute some documents on their website, under the Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information (RLRQ, c A-2.1, r. 2). This obligation allows citizens to have quick access to these documents without having to engage in a process of requesting access according to the law.
Inventory of Personal Information Banks (In French only)
Inventories concerning the Communication of Confidential Information (In French only)
Studies, surveys and statistics (In French only)
Documents provided further to an access request (In French only)
Public Registers (In French only)
Draft regulations published in the Gazette officielle du Québec (In French only)
Information about contracts (In French only)
Lists of financial commitments (In French only)
Documents tabled in the Assemblée nationale (In French only)
Travelling expenses (In French only)
Expenses for the use of company vehicles (In French only)
Functional expenses or entertainment expenses (In French only)
Reception and hospitality expenses (In French only)
Expenses for participation in training activities, to a symposium or to a conference (In French only)
Training contracts (In French only)
Advertising and promotion contracts (In French only)
Mobile telecommunications contracts (In French only)
Grants paid from the discretionary budget (In French only)
Rental lease fees (In French only)
Indemnities, allowances and annual salaries (In French only)
Please note that due to our Language policy, this information is only available in French.
The Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information stipulates that all public bodies must distribute, on a quarterly basis, information related to travel expenses incurred in Quebec, Canada and abroad by holders of a senior position (within the meaning of this regulation) or by members of the public body's personnel in the course of their work, i.e. expenses incurred for transportation, accommodation and meals, with details inherent to each type of travel.
Frais de déplacement du personnel 2023-2024
Frais de déplacement du personnel 2022-2023
Frais de déplacement des titulaires d'un emploi supérieur 2023-2024
Frais de déplacement des titulaires d'un emploi supérieur 2022-2023
Frais de déplacement des titulaires d'un emploi supérieur - Hors Québec au Canada 2023-2024
Frais de déplacement des titulaires d'un emploi supérieur - Hors Québec au Canada 2022-2023
The Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information stipulates that all public bodies must distribute information on company car expenses annually, no later than August 15.
In accordance with the Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information, all public bodies are required to publish quarterly information on the business or entertainment expenses of a senior employee, including the purpose, date and amount of each expense incurred.
Dépenses de fonction ou frais de représentation des TES 2023-2024
Dépenses de fonction ou frais de représentation des TES 2022-2023
In accordance with the Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information, all departments and organizations subject to Directive number 4-79 respecting the Rules governing receptions and hospitality expenses are required to distribute information on reception and hospitality expenses on a quarterly basis, including a description of the activity, the date and cost, and the number of people expected to attend.
Frais de réception et d'accueil 2023-2024
Frais de réception et d'accueil 2022-2023
In accordance with the Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information, all public bodies are required to distribute quarterly information concerning fees for participation in training activities, symposiums and conventions, including the name of the employee's administrative unit, the dates, location and description of the activity, as well as the cost of registration, for each training activity.
Frais de participation à des activités de formation, à un colloque ou un congrès 2023-2024
Frais de participation à des activités de formation, à un colloque ou un congrès 2022-2023
The Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information stipulates that all public bodies must distribute information on training contracts on a quarterly basis. This includes the name of the supplier and the amount of the contract, as well as a description of each training course, the date and location, and the number of participants.
The Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information stipulates that all public bodies must distribute quarterly information on advertising and promotional contracts for advertising campaigns, billboard production, audiovisual messages, Internet messages, etc., including the date of the contract, the name of the supplier, and the description and amount of the contract.
Contrats de publicité et de promotion 2023-2024
Contrats de publicité et de promotion 2022-2023
Under the Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information, all public bodies are required to distribute information on mobile telecommunication contracts on a quarterly basis, including the name of the supplier, the type of devices and, for each type of device, the number of active cellular plans in circulation, the number of cellular plans in reserve, the acquisition costs and the monthly service costs.
In accordance with the Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information, all public bodies are required to publish information on subsidies paid out of a minister's discretionary budget by August 15 of each year.
Subventions versées à même le budget discrétionnaire 2023-2024
Subventions versées à même le budget discrétionnaire 2022-2023
The Commissaire à la déontologie policière establishes and maintains an inventory of the personal information files they hold, in accordance with the provisions of section 76 of the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information (RLRQ, c A-2.1). This obligation to publish an inventory of files is based on the government's commitment to transparency, enabling citizens to find out which organizations may hold personal information about them.
The Commissaire à la déontologie policière establishes and maintains a register. Like any public body, it may disclose personal information without the consent of the persons concerned, when such disclosure is authorized by the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information. Moreover, section 67.3 of this bill requires a public body to establish and maintain a register of disclosures of personal information made without the consent of the person concerned. .
Currently, no studies, research reports or statistics produced by the Commissaire à la déontologie policière are considered to be of interest for public information.
The Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information provides for the distribution of documents transmitted as part of an access to information request, accompanied by the anonymized decision of the person responsible for access to documents, with the exception of those containing personal information, information provided by a third party or information whose disclosure must be refused under sections 28, 28.1, 29 or 29.1 of the Bill.
Liste des achats effectués entre le 29 février et le 31 mars 2024
Date de diffusion: 3 juin 2024
Décès - Waswapini
Date de diffusion: 27 février 2024
Nombre de plaintes et enquêtes (Thin blue line)
Date de diffusion: 6 février 2024
Serment d’office de la nomination officielle de la Commissaire
Date de diffusion : 19 septembre 2022
Preuve du serment d’allégeance de la Commissaire prévu à la constitution
Date de diffusion : 13 septembre 2022
Avis émis par le BEI en vertu de l'article 12 du Code de déontologie des policiers du Québec depuis le 23 août 2019
Date de diffusion : 17 juin 2022
Correspondances transmises par le Commissaire à la déontologie policière en vertu de l'article 140 de la Loi sur la police
Date de diffusion : 21 mars 2022
Citations faisant l’objet d’un appel à la Cour du Québec, d'un pourvoi en contrôle judiciaire à la Cour supérieure, d'un pourvoi en appel[...]
Date de diffusion : 3 février 2022
The Commissaire à la déontologie policière does not keep any public registers provided for in the bills for which they are responsible.
The Commissaire à la déontologie policière has no regulatory powers under his constituting bill.
The Commissaire à la déontologie policière is required to publish information relating to contracts it has entered into involving an expenditure in excess of $25,000. This obligation stems from the Act respecting contracting by public bodies (RLRQ c C-65.1).
This information notably concerns the name of the successful bidder or supplier and the amount of the contract. It is published in the electronic tendering system (SEAO).
The Commissaire à la déontologie policière posts on its website the documents it produces and tables for the purposes of a public sitting of the Assemblée nationale or one of its committees.
The Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information stipulates that all public bodies must distribute annually, by May 15 at the latest, information relating to each lease of space occupied by the public body, i.e. the address, the name of the lessor, the surface area leased and the annual rental cost.
Under the Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information, all public bodies are required to distribute information on the annual indemnities, allowances and salaries of senior executives by May 15 of each year.
If you want more information or if you need help drafting your complaint, you can contact us.