We would like to remind you that a courteous and respectful exchange is necessary at all times when communicating with our employees. No verbal abuse, intimidation or threats against the Commissioner's employees will be tolerated. Thank you for your understanding.
Email: deontologie-policiere.quebec@comdp.gouv.qc.ca
Toll-free number : 1 877 237-7897
Opening hours : Monday to Friday, from 8:30 à 16:30.
Quebec city office
2535, boul. Laurier, Suite 1.06
Québec (Québec) G1V 4M3
Phone : 418 643-7897
Fax: 418 528-9473
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Montreal office
2050, rue De Bleury, Suite 7.50
Montréal (Québec) H3A 2J5
Phone : 514 864-1784
Fax : 514 864-3552
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An access to information request? |
A media inquiry? |
A follow-up request related to the handling of your complaint? |
If you want more information or if you need help drafting your complaint, you can contact us.